if you had a Blessed Curse,
if you're not afraid to show me, what is in your eyes
Chapter 1
Sunday, April 24, 2011 / 8:16 PM

I woke up to a splitting headache, and my left eye was throbbing. Again. Muttering under my breath, I stumbled into my toilet just in time to catch a glance at my reflection.

I groaned.

"I look completely--"

"Hideous," a deep voice filled the room as it finished my sentence with a chuckle.

I glared semi-blindly at my intruder.

He laughed again. "Come on, go grab something to eat after you're done. I'll prepare the medicine for ya."

"Mm, thanks Leo." I muttered, shoving a toothbrush into my mouth, blinking several times to clear my vision.

Leon has been my childhood friend and neighbour ever since kindergarden. Leo was a nickname I'd chose for him, especially since his forever tousled hair reminded me of a lion. He has hair the colour of autumn leaves, and those warm green eyes that always seemed to look right through me.

I sighed. So far, this had been the worse headache I've experienced. Leaning over the sink, I examined my left eye. I've never seen myself as a normal person, or so I think. Ever since I was born, I've got this strange tint of red in the left of my eye, and not even the best of professors could figure this mystery out as they scanned me like a god-dammed specimen. Also, I usually wear contacts to cover them up as to not freak people out. When I was young though, contact lenses used to make me think of dangerously sticking glass pieces onto my eyes, and I'd stayed away from them. As a wonderful result, kids shunned me when they saw my eye, calling me a witch and some other childish stuffs. Even their parents talked about me behind my back, so I've heard. Rumours, gossips, I never really cared. Leo and my family were the only ones willing to stick close to me, so I've never really felt lonely.

Usually, the redness would glow brighter during these headaches, but today, especially, glows deeper than usual. Well, looking on the bright side, there's something mysteriously unique about this eye. Whenever I close my right eye, everything instantly becomes crystal clear, like when Bella from the Twilight Saga changed into a vampire. I even see rainbows being reflected off glass and stuffs. It's kind of awesome, but I've never told anyone about it, not even Leo.

To top it off, I'm also from the archery club. So given my polished skills and that eye, I'm the club's ace. Call me a cheater, but at least I do my school proud.


Satisfied with the makeup I managed to put on amongst the killer headache, I stepped out of the bathroom and down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Morning, sweetheart, headache's kicking in again?" Mom commented as she grabbed onto my arm just before I could go crashing down from the stairs that seemed to waver.

"Yeah, thanks Mom." I mumbled, collapsing gratefully into a nearby chair.

"Ya still alive?" Leo asked, handing me a piece of toasted bread.

"Surviving. It's worse than before though," I replied, rubbing against my temple as I wolfed down the whole piece.

"Hmm," he said thoughtfully, face dark. I frowned.

Then I realized something. God dammit, I swear the continuous headaches are making me moronic.

"Hold on, what are you doing h--?" I started to ask just as he popped a pill into my mouth.

"Inner tornado's eatin' your brain, Estelle. You're getting slower by the days," he then said, handing me a cup of water.

"Anyway, s'just my instincts that I should come check on ya. Being your childhood buddy and all." He continued, tipping his own cup of coffee my way.

I grumbled, draining the pill down with water, my face twisting as I tasted its bitter aftertaste.

He laughed, "you're such an old man, y'know."

I kicked him. Hard.

"Ow, hey! Take a joke, lady!"


"Hey babe," a husky voice came from behind me, draping an arm around my shoulders.

"Cole," I cooed, my insides turning fluttery from the sound of his voice.

Cole here is my boyfriend. We've been together since freshmen. He has pretty blonde hair and icy blue eyes that never fails to captivate me. He's also really sweet, coming to pick me up whenever we were going on dates and such even though his house is pretty far from mine. However, he's sometimes too fast on our relationship.

Boys and hormones, I shook my head mentally.

"Oh god, someone get 'em a room before they start sucking face." Leo complained, clutching his stomach as he made a mock, hurling action.

"Let them be, Leon, no one can stop these two's hurricane," Liora giggled, falling in a step beside Leo.

"Hey!" I groaned, blood rushing up my face as they burst off into laughter.

And Liora here is my best friend. We've been through everything together, no matter how tough or painful. She has straight platinum blonde hair and strong determined brown eyes. She's also sweet though clumsy, and has a green thumb. I've seen it you know, her little greenhouse in the backyard of her house. It was amazing, truly, she knows every single species of plants too. I used to tell her it was a gift from God, but she laughed it off.

"Gah!" I spat as someone forcefully grabbed onto my arm, dragging me away.

"What on earth are you--" I spun around in irritation before closing up on Fabian's face. My ex-boyfriend.

Fabian is a guy I used to date before Cole, and I'd always loved his chestnut brown hair, those golden eyes and dimple-filled smile until the very fateful day. I was at his house during the weekends, when he suddenly tried to force me to drink something disgustingly purple out of a antique capsule, saying it was some kind of weird ritual to protect me from harm. Of course, I freaked out and got the hell out of there, instantly breaking up with him. From then on, I saw him as a mad man who got too caught up in fantasy. He had a thing for old ancient history and stuffs like that afterall.

My face twisted in disgust and wrenched myself away from him before having to be pulled back to him again. Strong arms which once embraced me were now secured tightly around my forearms against my protest. And with his lips pressed against my ear, he whispered;

"Be warned, Estelle. They are coming."

"Wha--" I started to ask when Cole came charging in like a rage bull, pulling me back into his arms and out of Fabian's range.

"What do you mean, 'they are coming'?" I managed to ask, but Fabian just looked at me long and hard as he backed away and into the shadows of the school ground.

But just before the shadows completely engulfed him, he looked up to the sky.

"Crazy bastard," Cole sneered, glaring at the direction Fabian retreated to, before turning to me.

"He didn't say anything strange to you, did he?" He demanded, eyes scorching my face as he examined for anything amiss.

"No, he didn't..." I replied, lost in thoughts, as I dragged my eyes from the shadows to the sky, noticing something weird just as the school bell rang.

"Crap, we're gonna be late," Liona said as she and Leo hurried toward us, dragging me by the arm.

From where the faded moon still hung in the sky, it was stained a faint tint of red.